Book Two Manuscript . . .

    A Project About Awareness

    O N G O I N G    U P D A T E S

    6 | I have received some thoughtful professional feedback that will inspire what’s coming next.

    5 | This month I realized a project that I had envisioned almost thirty years ago, a tool for contemporary seekers. It’s taken more than three years to write, illustrate and design. 

    4 | The proposal document is complete and sent.

    3 | The Informal Reviewers have been uncommonly generous with their time. The book manuscript is much stronger as a result of their thoughtful, intelligent and creative contributions.

    2 | Packages were sent to informal reviewers in January and February 2018.  

    1 | I am pleased to announce that the draft manuscript and 78 original figures were completed in December 2017.   

    My design practice explores the intersection of communication, creativity and transformation
    Look for further project updates in 2018. 

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